New Delhi: Amid the controversy over land purchase by the Shree Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust in Ayodhya, economic and legal advisory committees will for formed to oversee transactions, said sources on Saturday. The trust's general secretary Champat Rai also met RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat ahead of the Akhil Bharatiya Prant Pracharak Baithak being organized at Chitrakoot. Sources said that Rai had explained the whole case to Bhagwat during a courtesy meeting.
While there are reports of Rai and another Trust member Anil Mishra, named by AAP leader Sanjay Singh who had levelled allegations of wrongdoing in the purchase of land for temple premises, being sidelined, RSS sources have termed it as a political stunt pulled by opposition to derail the process. "Champat Rai met Bhagwat Ji and explained the whole case. Rai has been at the helm of affairs and he has been committed to the cause. No one is being sidelined. Plus, it is a Supreme court-mandated trust," said a senior RSS functionary. As for RSS leader Suresh Bhaiya Ji Joshi being asked to supervise the process ever since the allegations of buying land parcel at a higher price, sources said that Bhaiyaa Ji was a Sarkaryawah and thus was briefed on the issue.
Also read: Ram temple trust gives clean chit to trustees in land purchase