Barabanki (Uttar Pradesh): In a bizarre incident, an arrest warrant was issued against an 83-year-old man for allegedly killing a buffalo in an accident 28 years ago. The elderly man, Achhan- a driver in the government transport department then, got bail immediately after the incident but as he failed to appear before the court, an arrest warrant was issued against him.
The incident dates back to 1995 when Achhan, son of Munavvar, worked as a driver for the Uttar Pradesh Transport Corporation's Barabanki depot. On a routine trip, Achhan drove to Bareilly to collect department goods in a government vehicle. While returning to Barabanki, Achhan lost control of the bus which rammed into a bullock cart killing the animal.
Jurisdictional Faridpur police was immediately informed about the incident. The vehicle was impounded and a case was registered against him under provisions of the Indian Penal Code. Achhan secured bail and the bus was subsequently released. The case was taken on file by the court and Achhan never appeared before the court. According to Achhan, he didn't receive any further communication regarding the trial's progress. Achcan who retired from his job nearly 20 year ago had no idea whether the case was going on or it was closed.