Varanasi (UP):Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday inaugurated Shri Kashi Vishwanath Arogya Mandir (mobile hospital) in the city which will be run by Nayati Health Care.
Extending his wishes to the people on the occasion of Sharadiya Navratra, the CM said that the Arogya Mandir will provide immediate healthcare facilities and emergency services to the devotees coming to the temple and also the locals here. The initiative of the temple trust is praiseworthy, he said.
A 25-member team of doctors, nurses, technicians, paramedical staff will be present in this Arogya Mandir located at gate number 4 of Kashi Vishwanath Temple.
In the Arogya Mandir, there is also a defibrillator and ECG for any emergency and lab facility for medical tests such as SGOT, SGPT, creatinine, cholesterol triglycerides, malaria, dengue, typhoid etc. Apart from this, free medicines will also be provided according to the prescription of the doctor. After stabilizing serious patients, they will be shifted to the district hospital or BHU.