Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): In the early hours of Friday, a disturbing shooting incident sent shockwaves through Aligarh Muslim University's (AMU) Civil-Line campus, resulting in a student's injury. The incident took place at the SS North Hostel on the Civil Line area of the AMU campus, throwing the academic community into a state of chaos and prompting an immediate response from both the Civil Lines police station and the AMU administration.
The victim of the shooting, identified as Rehaan, originally from Jaitwara in Moradabad, was going about his morning routine, headed to the dining hall when an unexpected gunshot rang out. In a terrifying turn of events, Rehaan was struck in the leg by a bullet. He was unable to identify the shooter or the origin of the gunfire, adding an unsettling layer of mystery to the incident.
Swift action was taken to ensure Rehaan received the necessary medical attention. He was rushed to JN Medical College, where doctors worked diligently to treat his injuries. Thankfully, his condition is reported to be stable, and he is currently out of immediate danger.
Aligarh Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kala Nidhi Naithani has confirmed that the local law enforcement agencies acted swiftly in response to reports of gunfire on the AMU campus. An ongoing investigation is now underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident and to identify the individual responsible for the shooting.