Mathura:Amidst the threat of wild canines increasing in Uttar Pradesh, another incident of a 3-year-old kid being attacked by a bunch of stray dogs was reported here on Thursday.
The child, identified as Aaradhy Mittal, had gone to play around in the street when he was attacked by five stray dogs that roam around in the society every day.
The dogs bit him five to six times before dragging him to a construction plot in the society of Shiv Wala Nath Nagar. However, they were stopped by the residents on the way.
"We need to stop making our living societies a shed for violent dogs. Today, their target was my son. It could have been anyone in his place. If we wish to live without the fear of these stray dogs, it is imperative for the residential authorities to demand their abduction. We were informed in the past that actions were taken to cut down on the numbers. However, the numbers have only increased in our society," said Amit Mittal, the father of 3-year-old.