Gorakhpur: A three-foot-tall woman Usha participated in the Janata Darshan of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held at Gorakhnath temple on Monday where she praised CM Yogi. Speaking to Yogi, Usha said, "With your blessings, I now have a house. But once it seemed that I will spend my life in a mud house, but you sanctioned me a concrete house.' According to sources, Usha met Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and said that she had come to thank him for allotting a house under the government scheme. Usha requested the CM that she wanted to take a photo with him and in turn, Yogi accepted her request.
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Meanwhile, many people reached the Janata Darshan with their complaints. Yogi listened to their problems, who came from far and wide. He lent a patient hearing to those who came for the redressal of their grievances. He assured everyone that no one would be allowed to be treated unfairly. Every problem will be solved as soon as possible. He instructed the officers that there should be no delay in resolving the people's problems. In the morning, the Chief Minister performed 'Rudrabhishek' with sugarcane juice and offered prayers to 'Mahadev' for the well-being and prosperity of the people.
Adityanath met over 300 complainants. On the requests for financial assistance for the treatment of serious diseases, the Chief Minister said it would be provided as soon as estimates were ready. "No one's treatment will be hampered due to a lack of money," he asserted. On some complaints of land grabbing, he said the government stood with every poor person. Strict legal action will be taken against those who were involved in cases of land grabbing and they will be taught a lesson.