New Delhi: As much as 26 per cent of the 4,406 candidates in the ongoing Uttar Pradesh polls whose affidavits were analysed have declared criminal cases against themselves, according to a report by poll watchdog Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR). In the 2017 state elections, out of 4,823 candidates analysed, 859 (18 per cent) had declared criminal cases against themselves.
The ADR said that 889 (20 per cent) candidates this year have declared serious criminal cases, while the number in 2017 was 704 (15 per cent). Out of the 4,406 candidates analysed in Uttar Pradesh elections 2022, 1,142 (26 per cent) have declared criminal cases against themselves, it said.
Among the major parties, 65 per cent (224 out of 347) of the candidates analysed from the SP, 58 per cent (11 out of 19) of the Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party, 58 per cent (19 out of 33) of the RLD have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits. Among other parties, 45 per cent (169 out of 374) of the candidates analysed from the BJP, 40 per cent (160 out of 397) of the Congress and 38 per cent (153 out of 399) of the BSP have also declared criminal cases.
Also, for the Apna Dal (Sonelal) the number was 35 per cent (six out of 17), while the AAP's 18 per cent candidates (62 out of 345) have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits. The ADR said 69 candidates have declared cases related to crime against women -- 10 of them related to rape (IPC Section-376). The ADR said 37 candidates have declared cases related to murder (IPC Section-302) against themselves, while 159 have declared cases related to attempt to murder (IPC Section-307) against themselves.