Pratapgarh (Uttar Pradesh):In a gruesome incident, as many as 14 people were killed and few others injured when the vehicle they were travelling in collided with a parked truck at Desraj Inara village under of Manikpur police limits in Uttar Pradesh's Pratapgarh late on Thursday night.
The deceased persons have been identified as Parasnath (40), Bablu (22), Abhimanyu (28), Ramsamujh (40), Nan Bhaiya (55), Dayaram (40), Dinesh (40), Pavan (10), Aman (7), Ansh (9), Gaurav (10), Sachin (12) and Himanshu (12).
According to sources, all victims were returning home to their village in Kunda in the district after attending a wedding in Nawabganj.
Suddenly, the drive lost his control over the wheels and the SUV collided with a parked truck near Prayagraj-Lucknow highway.
Following this, passengers trapped in the SUV were taken out by the locals and moved to the community health centre (CHC) in Kunda where the 14 of them were pronounced dead.
On being informed about the incident, police rushed to the spot and recovered the mangled vehicle and started the investigation into the incident.