Agartala:Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has dropped health minister Sudip Roy Barman from the Cabinet, a state government notification said. Barman, who had joined the BJP after quitting the Trinamool Congress two years ago, was removed on Friday night, a week after Deb warned of stern action against "enemies in the BJP".
Party leaders, on condition of anonymity, claimed that 56-year-old Barman was dropped for indulging in "anti-party activities". Barman could not be reached for comment.
A notification of the Department of General Administration (Confidential and Cabinet) issued late on Friday night said the departments held by Barman would be re-assigned to the chief minister and Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma.
A five-time MLA, Barman was the leader of the opposition and president of Tripura Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC). He joined Trinamool Congress in 2016, and then defected to the BJP in 2017 with a group of Congress MLAs.
There were demands of a cabinet reshuffle in the party, BJP spokesperson Nabendu Bhattacharya said.
Party leaders wanted that cabinet berths should be filled up on the basis of the track records of leaders.