Agartala:BJP general secretary Ram Madhav said on Friday the party did not use military achievements to win the general election and claimed that it would remain in power even in 2047, the centenary of Independence.
"We got a massive victory because we succeeded in stopping communal unrest, corruption, building a strong India and introducing financial stability in the last five years," Madhav said. "Our party did not use military achievements to make it to the Parliament."
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader was addressing the party's victory rally at Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan here.
"The BJP government, under (Prime Minister) Narendra Modi ji's stewardship, will go a long way. We are confident that the party will still be in power in 2047, when the country will celebrate the centenary year of Independence," Madhav said. "Nationalism is in the BJP's DNA."