New Delhi:The Congress on Saturday slammed the K Chandrasekhar Rao-led BRS government in Telangana over the alleged suicide of a 23-year-old woman preparing for competitive exams, with Rahul Gandhi saying this was not a suicide but murder of the dreams and aspirations of youths. Gandhi alleged that in the last 10 years, "BJP Rishtedar Samithi BRS and BJP together have ruined the state with their incompetence".
"The Congress government in Telangana will release a job calendar, reorganise TSPSC on the lines of UPSC in 1 month and fill 2 lakh vacant government posts within a year - this is a guarantee," he said. The 23-year-old woman, who was preparing for competitive exams, allegedly died by suicide at her hostel in Ashok Nagar in Hyderabad, sparking protests by government job aspirants against the BRS dispensation.
As soon as news of the woman's death broke on Friday night, a large number of students staged protests in the area and raised slogans against the state government. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge expressed shock and anguish over the suicide. "Shocked and deeply anguished by the suicide of a 23-year-old girl student in Telangana, who reportedly took the drastic step to end her life due to repeated postponements and irregularities in the State Public Service Commission Exams," Kharge said on X.