Hyderabad: A woman, who asked for a drop while returning from work at midnight on Thursday, was gang-raped by the auto driver and his two other associates at a stop that falls under Hanumakonda Police Station limits.
Police said the incident came to light on Saturday. The married woman, who lives near Hanumakonda Nayimnagar went out for work on April 27, and was looking to return home at about 12 am in the night. As it was midnight, finding no other way vehicle, she stopped an auto plying on the road at KU Cross and asked the driver to drop her at Rangbar. Rakesh, the driver who picked up the woman in the auto, called his friends, Sanath and Satish, both auto drivers, who came and picked her up. They took the auto toward Bhimaram despite repeated requests by the woman to drop her at her desired spot. Finding no other way, she started shouting but to no avail. Rakesh and his friends also threatened her not to shout.