Hyderabad:The city police on Monday, foiled the indefinite fast of senior Congress leader Bhatti Vikramarka , in protest against the illegal merger of 12 party MLAs with the ruling TRS in Telangana, and shifted him to a hospital because of his failing health.
Congress Legislature Party leader Vikramarka on Saturday launched his 36-hour fast, which, was subsequently changed to 'fast-unto-death' at the Dharna Chowk.
According to police officials, the Congress party leader has been shifted to the state-run NIMS hospital because of his failing health, and also for holding protest beyond the permitted time.
"He had obtained, permission for holding a 36-hour dharna, and it was granted. But, he continued to hold the protest even after the permitted time. After, getting him checked by a medical team, he has been shifted," DCP (Central Zone) P Viswa Prasad told media sources.