Hyderabad:The Konidela household is in a very joyful mood as lovebirds Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi's wedding festivities kickstarted on Friday. Megastar Chiranjeevi threw a pre-wedding party for his nephew Varun and his fiancée Lavanya. Veteran actor Chiranjeevi posted a number of pictures from the couple's pre-wedding festivities in Hyderabad on Instagram on Saturday.
Ram Charan, his wife Upasana Konidela, and their extended family could all be seen in a group photo from the party. About last evening... Pre-wedding celebrations of @varunkonidela7 and @itsmelavanya. Moments to cherish," read Chiranjeevi's caption. Varun appeared in the pictures wearing a black-and-white patterned shirt and black jeans, while Lavanya was dressed in a yellow suit.
The delighted couple expressed their gratitude for the amazing evening on social media. Sharing a carousel post of unseen pictures, they wrote, "La familia!!! (The Family) Thanks for the wonderful night!"