Hyderabad:With the Rajya Sabha passing the contentious the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill or triple talaq Bill on Tuesday and therefore criminalising the divorce practice, India has become one of the few countries that have banned this form of divorce.
Over the course of leading arguments in favour of criminalising the practice, the government repeatedly said that it is committed towards the empowerment and welfare of women of the Muslim community. It also said that the Bill should not be seen through political prisms. One of the argument also put forth was that the practice is banned in several Muslim countries as well.
Triple talaq may be 1,400 years old, but it has been banned by several Islamic countries, therefore shunning what the supporters call an integral part of Islam.
Egypt was one of the first countries to reform its divorce system in 1929 as per the Quranic interpretation. Divorcing a wife or husband by pronouncing talaq three times is not acceptable in the country.
Saudi Arabia, considered the birthplace of Islam and known for being an extremely conservative country, has a ban on the practice.