Hyderabad: Prominent Tollywood actress Dimple Hayathi has been booked for allegedly damaging a car of an IPS officer in Telangana capital Hyderabad, officials said on Tuesday. It is learnt that a case has been registered at the Jubilee Hills Police Station in Hyderabad against Hayathi in this regard. The Tollywood actress has been accused to have rammed her car into the parked vehicle of Hyderabad traffic DCP Rahul Hegde in the Huda Enclave of Journalist Colony in Hyderabad.
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Based on the complaint given by the DCP's driver, the Jubilee Hills police registered an FIR and started an investigation into the incident. The police have named Hayathi and another man named David, who is believed to have been with Hayathi at the time of the accident. Constable Chetan Kumar, who is the driver of the government vehicle belonging to the Traffic DCP said he parks the vehicle in the cellar of the apartment where actress Dimple Hayati and David also park their cars next to his vehicle.
Kumar said that on the 14th of this month, Dimple Hayati hit the DCP's vehicle with her vehicle. In this incident, the front of the parked car was damaged, he said. Kumar said that he came to know about the incident through the CCTV footage and accordingly lodged a complaint with the Jubilee Hills police. He also submitted the related CCTV footage to the police.
The police have called Dimple Hayathi and David to the station for questioning. Traffic DCP Rahul Hegde alleged that Hayathi's car was blocking his car in the cellar which led to her ramming her car into his. Further investigation into the incident is going on.