Hyderabad: Actor Vijay Devarakonda, who was questioned by the ED for 11 hours regarding funding of the movie 'Liger', has said the agency has just 'some clarification' from him in the case. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday grilled the actor following complaint that money flowed into the making of the movie in dubious routes.
Devarakonda appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the case at the agency's regional office in Hyderabad. The central agency is investigating the alleged violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). Sources said that the questioning started at 9 am and lasted for 11 hours. Earlier, the film's director Puri Jagannath and producer Charmme Kaur attended the ED questioning.
Also read:After Puri Jagannadh and Charmee, ED grills Vijay Devarakonda in Liger money laundering probe
After coming out of the ED office, Deverakonda told reporters that the agency sought some clarification from him. "I was inside for 12 hours. They (ED) sought some clarifications. They were doing their job," he said adding "there are no allegations…some clarifications that's it". "You (fans) love me so much. Because of the popularity out of that love some inconvenience crops up.
And this is one of them. It's an experience. It's life. I did my duty when I was called. I came and answered the questions. That's what I have to say," Deverakonda said. The ED officials had grilled film director Puri Jagannadh and actor-turned-producer Charmme Kaur on November 17. They were questioned about the source of investment for Hindi-Telugu movie 'Liger' which was released in August this year.
Mike Tyson also played an extended cameo in the movie, reported to have been produced with a budget of about Rs 125 crore. The ED took up the investigation after Congress leader Bakka Judson lodged a complaint about the investment into the movie through dubious routes. Bakka had complained that even politicians had invested money in Liger.
He claimed that the investors found it the easiest way of turning their black money into white.