Telangana:According to Telangana police, the first incident happened on Thursday, at Vinayaka Nagar, Nizampet, Hyderabad. Lalitha (56) is a single mother of two children named Divya (36) and Srikar. Recently, Divya got married and has a child named Shiva Karthikeya (18 months) while Srikar did not marry. Since Lalitha's husband left them 12 years ago, there was a pressure of responsibility to take care of her kids, and even the issue of her son not getting married was nagging her. woes.
“Srikar was crossing 30+ and he did not get married till now. The family was worried about it for quite some time. Unable to resolve the problems, the family decided to commit suicide at midnight. Lalitha hanged the baby Shiva Karthikeya with a dupatta and later hanged herself. Divya tried to follow suit and hanged herself but she escaped death due to a torn dupatta,' said police.
Later, Divya called her brother Sirkar who was sleeping in his room. Immediately Srikar complained to the Bachupally police. The police arrived at the scene and primarily concluded that they had committed suicide as they were worried about family responsibilities," police added.