Hyderabad: The SIT police investigating the Hyderabad terror conspiracy case has seized the cell phones used by the accused to decode the alleged conversation between the accused and the terrorists across the border, sources said. The accused Abdul Zahid of Malakpet, Mohd Sameeruddin (39) of Akber Bagh, Syeedabad, and Maaz Hasan Farooq (29) of Humayun Nagar, Mehidipatnam was arrested on October 2 on the charges of allegedly plotting terror attacks in the city and seized four hand grenades, hard cash of Rs 5,41,800, five cell phones and a motorcycle from their possession.
Police sources said that the SIT is trying to decode the accused's alleged conversation with the LeT terrorists in Pakistan. The SIT has seized 2 cell phones belonging to Abdul Zahid, one mobile phone belonging to Sameeruddin, and two mobile phones from Maaz Hasan. The SIT is also investigating how the hand grenades believed to have been dropped through drones from across the border in Kashmir landed in Manoharabad.
Police said that on September 28, one of the three arrested accused Sameeruddin went from Hyderabad to Manoharabad on a two-wheeler to get the 4 hand grenades and reached the city the next day. The SIT has claimed that Zahid had been planning the blasts for three years.