Maheshwaram: In a horrific case of murder reported from Telangana, a three-year-old boy died after being allegedly beaten by his father at a village in Maheshwaram district of the state, sources said. It is learnt that the horrific incident took place in Ameerpet area of Maheswaram on Wednesday night. According to a police official, the accused identified as Shiva, a mason by profession, beat up his three-year-old son Sanju on his return from work on Wednesday while his wife was away.
According to the police official, when Shiva returned home and opened the main gate of the house, Sanju, who was sleeping at the time, woke up and walked up to the road outside which infuriated his father Shiva. The official said that Shiva asked his son Sanju not to move out of the house, but Sanju did not listen and started to move out again.
In a fit of rage, Shiva locked Sanju inside the house and beat him to pulp, the official said. Later the family took the boy to the hospital where the doctors declared him brought dead, the official added. The official said that the mother of the deceased boy Lalithamma had gone out to the market to buy vegetables and had taken her six-month-old baby with her when the incident took place.