Hyderabad: Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan has been selected for the prestigious “Top-20 Global Women of Excellence-2021 Award.” The international award is being given by the Multi-Ethnic Advisory Task Force in Illinois headed by US Congressman Danny K. Davis.
The jury, in a congratulatory letter to Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan, mentioned that 'you have been chosen to be honoured as you are an ardent advocate of Women’s Rights, Gender Parity, and Women’s Equality and your outstanding contribution to the society.’
The award jury appreciated the efforts of Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan in making a difference to society through her relentless efforts in fighting for women’s rights and gender equality and empowerment.
The award will be presented during the 9th Congressional International Women’s Day Gala at Naperville, Illinois, the USA, on March 7th.