Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, has directed all Collectors, Commissioners of Police and Superintendents of police and the entire district administration to be on alert, following heavy rainfall in the state.
Kumar in a message to officials late on Tuesday night said, "The Chief Minister called and enquired about the situation in the state. He ordered that the entire district administration be on high alert. Heavy rains have lashed the state. In Hyderabad, many areas have 20 cm rains in the last 24 hours. A number of untoward incidents have been reported."
"Myself and DGP are having a telecon with senior officers related to GHMC areas. You should conduct a teleconference with your district officers and Mandal officers. Massive flooding and waterlogging are likely to occur in low lying areas," the message by the chief secretary read.
Also Read:Rains lash Telangana; Normal life thrown out of gear