Hyderabad (Telangana):BJP leader Ramchander Rao on Wednesday said that in the wake of coronavirus outbreak, apart from funds, the State government must also focus on making sufficient medical equipment, kits and medicines available, unlike the dengue outbreak situation that occurred in the State last year.
Speaking to mediapersons, Rao said, "I request the Telangana Government that apart from the funds it should also take care of equipment, kits and medicines. A situation like last years should not arise when many cases of dengue were reported in the State and sufficient platelets and equipment were not available in many hospitals. Therefore, we must stay alert and also awareness needs to be spread among the public on this."
The BJP leader said that the entire health administration and the public at large should stay extremely alert.
"This virus is very dangerous, there is a lot of awareness being spread regarding this. Telangana Government sanctioned Rs 100 crore initially and it is taking further measures. I am sure the hospitals and doctors are ready for a quick response whenever cases are reported," said Rao.