Hyderabad: The Telangana government has announced a solatium of Rs 10 lakh to the family of the woman medical student who allegedly attempted suicide five days ago and died at a state-run hospital here while undergoing treatment. Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao described the medical student's death as extremely unfortunate and painful, a statement released Sunday night said.
He said the government would stand by the her family. He also announced that an ex-gratia of Rs 10 lakh will be paid from the government to her family. He said the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has also expressed anguish over the demise of the post-graduate medical student. The Minister noted that the investigation was underway into the incident and the accused has already been arrested. He assured that tough action would be taken against those found guilty.
Father of the deceased medical student spoke to the media. He said the Minister has informed him that the state would pay another Rs 20 lakh in addition to the ex-gratia announced on Sunday night. He said the Minister also assured a gazetted officer-rank government job to a family member.