Hyderabad: In an instance of retribution, a woman from Telangana's Wanaparthy district on Monday, fatally struck her father-in-law while he allegedly tried to sexually assault her. The incident took place at around 11 am when the victim went out to relieve herself in a field nearby their residence in Chennur village of the district. Kavali Peddaramulu (52), her father-in-law, tried to approach her at this time, leading her to call her brother, identified as one Shiva, to the place.
As per information, to prevent Peddaramulu's advances, the woman struck him with a stick. The duo then informed Gopalpet Police about the scenario, who arrived at the spot and took the injured 52-year-old to the local Primary Healthcare Centre. Afterward, he was shifted to the Wanapathy Government Hospital at around 3 pm in the afternoon, where the doctors confirmed that he had already passed away.
It was revealed later that it was not a one-off incident, and that the woman had previously been sexually abused by the father-in-law. She had secretly recorded clips of several such occasions as well.