Hyderabad: The Telangana government on Saturday issued orders providing 10 per cent reservation to Scheduled Tribes in educational institutions and government jobs. Currently, people belonging to the ST community have six per cent reservation in the state. At a recent public meeting, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said his government would soon issue orders enhancing the quota to 10 per cent for STs in government jobs and educational institutions.
Telangana enhances quota for STs in govt jobs, edu to 10 per cent
At a recent public meeting, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said his government would soon issue orders enhancing the quota to 10 per cent for STs in government jobs and educational institutions.
A bill on the 10 per cent reservation was passed by the Telangana Assembly in April 2017 and it was sent to the Centre for obtaining the President's assent. During these close six years the state government sent several representations in this connection, but the same is still pending. Therefore, in these circumstances, it is expedient to enhance the percentage of Scheduled Tribe reservations, without any further loss of time, the GO said.
The Government of Telangana after careful consideration of the above special circumstances, hereby orders enhancement of reservations for the Scheduled Tribes from 6 per cent to 10 per cent in educational institutions and state government services, it said. (PTI)