Hyderabad: Telangana education minister Sabitha Indra Reddy on Friday launched the poster on School Innovation Challenge for government school students in all 33 districts of the state.
The School Innovation Challenge is being jointly organised by United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) India in collaboration with Telangana School Education Department, Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC) and Inqui-Lab Foundation, an official release said.
"It is time we focus on the creativity of children that will enhance the education and sustain the self-reliance through problem-solving. The School Innovation Challenge by UNICEF in collaboration with School Education Department, TSIC and Inquilab Foundation, for all the 33 districts of the state. It is one of its kind and Telangana as the first state will also pioneer this to foster innovation from young age. I sincerely request all the teachers of the government schools to take charge and be a Changemaker in bringing Innovative mindsets from the school," Reddy said.