Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister, K Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday laid the foundation for 400 ft high Hare Krishna Heritage Tower being built at the Goshpada area of Narsingi, a suburb of Hyderabad city. The Hare Krishna Tower is being built at an estimated cost of Rs 200 crore on a 2 acre land donated by Sri Krishna Movement.
The tower will house the temples of Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Sri Venkateswara Swamy. Once completed, the tower will stand as a cultural landmark in the city. CM KCR performed the 'Bhumi Puja' ceremony for the Hare Krishna Heritage tower on Monday. Addressing the participants on the sidelines of the event, KCR said that the Telangana government will provide Rs 25 cr for the construction of the tower.
Also read:KCR offers prayers at Sri Athi Varadaraja Swamy temple
The Rs 25 crore for the construction of the temple will be released soon and the temple will be constructed in four years, CM KCR said. While attacking the right wing elements on the occasion, the Telangana Chief Minister said that “some elements are causing problems in society with religious ignorance”. Hailing the Harekrishna Foundation on the occasion, KCR said that the foundation is doing good programs including the Akshaya Patra and Annapurna programs.
In the mandapam of the tower, along with Radhakrishna, idols of 8 main gopis will be enshrined. The heritage tower, which will be built as a 'Pride of Telangana' project, is said to be similar to the style of the buildings of the Kakatiya, Chalukya, and Dravida emperors. The tower premises will have a library, museum, theater, and other modern facilities such as meeting halls, holograms, and laser projectors for special occasions.