Jagital (Telangana): Telangana police on Wednesday cracked a case in which a 38-year-old software engineer of Balwantapur in Telangana's Jagtial district was set ablaze by his relatives on suspicion that he performed black magic two days ago.
Meanwhile, police took six persons, including deceased, Pavan's wife Krishnaveni into custody and started interrogating them.
Speaking to media, Jagital Circle Inspector, Kishore said," Prima facie Pavan's wife Krishnaveni was also involved in the murder. Pavan was burned alive and there were two angles to this murder first was black magic and the second, family dispute."
"Pavan has had frequent fights with his wife. He fought with his wife on the suspicion that his brother-in-law Jagan had stolen money and gold from Pavan's house," he said.
"Pavan was employed in a software company in Bengaluru. He was on a visit to the village to console his in-laws’ family as his brother-in-law Raparthi Jagan died on November 12 following a heart attack," he said.