Hyderabad:An SI was arrested when he tried to sell the drugs, which he seized from drug peddlers. His corruption was exposed when the Narcotics Department officials caught him red-handed. According to the police, Rajender has been working as an SI in the Cyber Crime Station (CCS) of Cyberabad. He reportedly seized 1,750 grams of the drugs worth Rs 80 lakhs from drug peddlers, but he concealed them and tried to sell them later.
However, on a tip-off, officials of the Narcotics Department of the city caught Rajender red-handed at his residence. After that, they submitted a report to the Director of Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB) CV Anand. Later, the accused was handed over to the Rayadurgam police, who arrested him and sent him to remand.
Also read:Ugandan woman arrested for peddling drugs in Hyderabad
Rajender has been accused of corruption in the past. He was caught red-handed by the ACB when he was working as Raidurgam SI. At that time, orders were issued removing him from service. However, Rajender got a stay from the court on those orders. After this, he has been working as an SI in the Cyberabad CCS department.
Meanwhile, customs department officials in July arrested a 43-year-old woman and seized heroin weighing 2,027 grams, which has a market value of Rs 14.2 crore, at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad. The arrested woman was identified as a Burundi national, who arrived from Nairobi to Hyderabad. Customs department officials said that a total of 2,027 grams of heroin was seized from her while examining her baggage. It appeared heavier than normal. A close examination revealed that she had concealed the drugs under her traditional African dresses. Eight dresses, along with the contraband, were seized. Her handbag and soaps, too, were used to conceal the drugs.