Hyderabad:BRS MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha said that the dream of crores of Hindus will come true with the inauguration of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya next month. She shared a video of the sanctum sanctorum of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir on X platform. BRS MLC Kavitha stated that the wish of Hindus to build a Ram temple in Ayodhya will be fulfilled soon.
Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust has released photos of the sanctum sanctorum of the Ram Mandir being built in Ayodhya. In this context, MLC Kavitha responded on X. She tweeted a video of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir sanctum sanctorum released by the Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust.
On the other hand, arrangements for the Prana Pratishtha programme of Ayodhya Ram Mandir are going on in full swing. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the programme on January 22 next year. These ceremonies are conducted in four phases. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already received an invitation to this grand event.