Hyderabad: In a bizarre twist to a Pakistani national infiltrating into India, a youth from the neighboring country arrested in Telangana capital Hyderabad after his own father-in-law informed the police as he ran out of money he had brought with him, police said. It is learnt that the Pakistani youth Fayaz Mohammad (24) was arrested on the 1st of this month following a tip off by Fayaz's father-in-law
Zubesh Sheikh. Sources said that Sheikh informed the police about his Pakistani son-in-law after the latter ran out of money. Sheikh, as per the sources, had been counting on him for over Rs 4 lakh he had allegedly brought with him. A police official said that Fayaz met Sheikh's daughter Neha Fatima in Sharjah and got married later.
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Neha flew to Hyderabad last year due to health issues leaving Fayaz behind. Police said that Zubesh Sheikh, who thought that his son-in-law in Sharjah would have a large amount of money got a Nepalese visa for his son-in-law as an Indian visa takes more time. In November last year, in-laws Zubesh, Afzal Begum, and Neha Fatima visited Nepal to meet Fayaz.
The four together paid Rs 5,000 to the patrolling staff at the Nepal-UP Sonali border and reached Hyderabad by train, police said. Sheikh later hatched a conspiracy to get an Aadhaar card issued for his son-in-law who was not allowed to leave his house till he got his Aadhaar card. Police said that earlier this year, Sheikh got to know that Fayaz had run out of money thereby dashing his hopes.
Sources said that he informed the task force police to get rid of his son-in-law. The South Zone police first arrested the Pakistani youth and then the in-laws on the 1st of this month, sources said.