ETV Bharat Desk:As the Oscar victory of the movie RRR is celebrated across the country and was being discussed in the Upper House of Parliament, the Telangana BJP state President, Bandi Sanjay, joins the bandwagon, who had in 2020, shown strong displeasure against the film and had threatened Rajamouli with dire consequences. Piyush Goyal, the leader of the party, representing the BJP in the Upper House, lauded not only the film, but also the makers of the film.
Jagdeep Dhankar, the Chairman of the Upper House, subsequently threw the floor open for lawmakers to speak out in support of the Oscar-winning film 'RRR' and the artistes. Goyal reminded that "the movie's screenwriter, V Vijayendra Prasad, is Prime Minister Modi's choice for the Rajya Sabha, and attributed the Oscar victory of the film to his decision."
It is noteworthy that after learning that Jr NTR was portraying a character, who is disguised as a Muslim in the movie, Rajamouli, the director of the Oscar-winning film, was warned of physical violence by Bandi Sanjay two years ago. Opposition leader, Rama Suganthan, tweeted quoting an Indian Express headline about the threats that the BJP leader made when he had threatened to set theatres on fire if the movie, RRR, was shown.