Hyderabad: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Saturday once again served a notice to Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay and asked him to appear before it tomorrow along with submitting evidence supporting his allegations over the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TPSC) paper leak issue. Sanjay, however, said that he would not share any information with the SIT and would instead submit the evidence if a committee headed by a sitting high court judge is formed to investigate into the paper leak case.
An SIT team reached Sanjay's residence this morning and issued him a notice in connection with the alleged paper leak scandal. An SIT official said Sanjay has been asked to share relevant information and submit documents to substantiate his allegations that influential people were involved in the TPSC paper leak issue. Earlier, SIT had issued a notice to the Karimnagar MP on March 22 and asked him to appear before it on March 24 for answering questions related to his allegations. The SIT had then served notice under section 91 of the CrPC. Sanjay, however, did not appear before SIT and wrote that he could not go due to the ongoing Parliament session. He had claimed that many of the candidates who qualified the TPSC exam were children or relatives of BRS leaders.