Khammam (Telangana): In a horrific incident, three men in Telangana's Khammam district hanged a monkey to death, reportedly as a 'lesson' for other animals not to venture into the fields.
The incident came to light after a video showing the brutality went viral on social media. In the video, a monkey can be seen haplessly struggling for life after being hanged from a tree. Meanwhile, the men present at the spot can be seen cheering on.
According to reports, a gang of monkeys had been regularly entering the fields and destroying the crops in the district's Sathupalli area.
When one of the monkeys ventured close to a farmer's house, it reportedly fell into a water tub. The man then captured the monkey, thrashed it with sticks, and hanged it from a tree, reportedly to teach other monkeys a lesson. After struggling for its life, the poor monkey eventually died.