Hyderabad (Telangana): The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the MLA poaching case has issued notices under 41A CrPC to Karimnagar-based lawyer Boosarapu Srinivas and Dr. Jagguswamy, a doctor from Kerala. They have been asked to appear before SIT for questioning on November 21. They also must bring their phones along with them as instructed by the SIT.
The police had arrested Ramachandra Bharati, Simhayaji, and Nandakumar on the October 26 at the farmhouse of MLA Pilot Rohit Reddy in Aziznagar, Moinabad. It was alleged that Ramachandra Bharati spoke to Tushar Vellapalli on phone and also spoke to Rohit Reddy. Based on this, a team led by SIT member, Nalgonda SP Rema Rajeshwari conducted extensive searches in the Kochi and Kollam areas of Kerala and collected vital evidence.
Dr. Jagguswamy, is behind the introduction of Ramachandra Bharati to Tushar, police sources said adding that Rema Rajeshwari's team went to Tushar's house in Alappuzha and gave notice to the secretary as he was not available. The accused took a flight from Tirupati to Hyderabad. It is alleged that Boosarapu Srinivas booked the flight ticket. The Police went to Karimnagar on Thursday to serve notices to Srinivas.
Also read:TRS MLAs poaching case: Telangana HC allows SIT to continue probe
The SIT officers, who were in Kerala for five days as per the direction of Nalgonda SP, searched the houses and offices of Jagguswamy and Tushar. Some key documents were seized. The SIT officials also mentioned in the notices that Tushar, advocate Srinivas along with Jagguswamy should come to the SIT's office at Banjara Hills Command Control Centre on November 21.