Hyderabad: Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLA Pilot Rohit Reddy has been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Reddy, who is a complainant against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the then Telangana Rashtra Samithi MLAs poaching case, has been asked to appear before the ED on December 19, officials said on Saturday. He has been asked to be present at the ED office in Hyderabad along with transaction documents and his Aadhaar Card.
The Tandur legislator has also been asked to submit copies of his documents including his Aadhar Card, Passport, and PAN card along with details of his and his family members' bank accounts as well as details of immovable and movable properties registered on his and his family's name, along with the copies of invoices/ sale deeds, details of the source of funds for the acquisition of such properties, etc.
He has also been asked to submit details of shares in details of the list of companies/firms owned, shares in all companies, acquired by his or his family members since April 1, 2015, (including sold-off shares), and details of all movable and immovable properties acquired/sold by the companies and copies of all audited Annual Returns/Balance Sheets among other details.