Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, a man allegedly harassed a woman by blackmailing her with her nude pictures on Snapchat in Telangana capital Hyderabad, officials said on Wednesday. The accused has been detained by the She Team of the Telangana Police's Women's Safety Wing. It is learnt that the accused identified as Ali was introduced to the woman, doing B. Tech in Hyderabad, on Snapchat.
An official said that the accused was in touch with the young woman for quite some time and saved the phone conversations and video calls with her. The woman said that after being in touch with him for some time, she avoided the man for some reasons. However, the agitated man pressed the woman to be in touch with him and even threatened her to make the screenshots of the video call viral on social media, the woman said.
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She said that the accused threatened her that if his wish is not fulfilled, the photos will go viral. The woman said that she did not bother about the threats and mustered courage by approaching the She Team of the Telangana Police's Women's Safety Wing even as she also approached the women activists for help.
Following the complaint by the woman, accused Ali was taken into custody while further investigation into the matter is going on. The young woman has told the She Teams that Ali is a serial offender and is cheating many young women in the same way. Police have advised young women and men to be careful while using social media and not to fall prey to such elements.
Experts have warned against chatting with unknown and random people on the Internet.