Mahbubnagar: In a shocking incident, a man suffocated his minor daughter to death in a bid to convince his wife to return home from her parents house in Telangana's Mahbubnagar on Wednesday, police said. The accused has been identified as Shiva, who belongs to Palakonda tanda of Mahbubnagar district. According to Rural Police Station SI Venkateshwarlu, the incident took place on Wednesday.
Shiva, as per SI, had gone to convince his wife Shobha to return, who had gone to her parents' home after a quarrel with him. In the village, Shiva saw his eldest daughter Keertana (6) at a shop on Wednesday afternoon. Shiva thought if he takes his daughter with him, his wife will have no choice but to return home.
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As he asked his daughter to come with him, she refused to come, police said. According to police officer Venkateshwarlu, Siva lured her on one pretext or the other, but she did not agree. As she started to cry, Shiva muzzled her mouth and nose in a bit of rage and started taking her away. Suffocated, the girl lost her consciousness and fainted on the road, police said.
Shiva took her home in a state of unconsciousness. As the girl did not gain consciousness, Shiva, along with his father, took her to the government hospital in Mahbubnagar in the middle of the night. However, it had been late as the doctors, who examined her, said she was already died. As soon as Shobha came to know about the incident, she complained to the police about it.
Shobha alleged that her husband killed their daughter and demanded action against him. Shiva, a labourer had married Shobha seven years ago. Besides deceased Keertana, the couple has a daughter and a son. Shiva is said to be addicted to alcohol. He would often come home drunk and beat his wife, police said. Unable to bear the frequent assaults, 10 days ago his wife Shobha took the children and went to her parents' house. Shiva asked her many times to return home, but she didn't agree.