Hyderabad: A four-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by her principal's driver in the city's upscale Banjara Hills. The suspect, a 34-year-old, was given a sound thrashing before being handed over to the police after the matter came to light. The assault was carried out within the school premises during school hours.
The suspect had been formally arrested by the Banjara Hills Police and was produced before a City court. The school principal who was being accused of being negligent about the repetitive sexual assault being meted out to one of her students was booked as one of the co-accused. She remains at large and a hunt is on to nab her.
The incident came to light when the girl came home crying after the assault and revealed the ordeal to her mother. When taken to school the next day, the girl pointed at the accused, following which the parents filed a complaint with the Banjara Hills police who immediately arrested the accused on Tuesday. The police have imposed charges of rape, kidnapping and violation of provisions of the Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
Banjara Hills ACP Sudershan said the incident was reported from a private school in the Banjara Hills and the investigation into the offence had already begun. "The victim has been sent to the Bharosa Centre. We have also registered a case against the school principal. The matter was reported by the mother of the victim," Sudershan said.