Hyderabad:The Rachakonda police busted an inter-state racket that was supplying ganja to customers in Hyderabad, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. The police arrested two persons, who were working on the orders of the mastermind, who was supplying cannabis to Sri Lanka. The lorry and three phones, along with 250 kg of ganja worth Rs 75 lakhs, were seized from their possession, they were hiding the ganja in a lorry, which was loaded with coconut coir.
Malailiswamy alias Siva from the Theni district of Tamil Nadu came to Chandrayanagutta in Hyderabad a few years ago for employment. He used to make snacks, but he could not survive as his income was not sufficient. His uncle Raja Stalin from Tamil Nadu was arrested by the Munipalli Police of Sangareddy district in 2021 in a ganja case. In order to bring him on bail, Malailiswamy came into contact with Rajesh from Kerala. Rajesh was already involved in ganja smuggling.
On learning that Malailiswamy was in financial trouble, Rajesh promised him money and encouraged him to supply ganja. He hoped that if he hires him as his driver and transports ganja for one trip, he will pay Rs.1.50 lakhs. At the same time, Ramar from the Theni district of Tamil Nadu came to Chandrayanagutta for employment. Malailiswamy, who hired Ramar as his assistant, used to bring ganja from Odisha as per Rajesh's orders. Twice in the past, he had given more than 500 kg of ganja to Rajesh. In turn, Rajesh sold ganja to his agents in Hyderabad, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.