New Delhi:Balochistan Prime Minister-in-exile, Naela Quadri Baloch is currently travelling around the world in a bid to gather support to free her country from Pakistani “occupation” and make it an independent nation. Last Tuesday, she was at the Delhi office of ETV Bharat. Our National Bureau Chief Rakesh Tripathi caught up with Naela for an interview. Here are the excerpts from the interview.
ETV Bharat (ETB): You have come to India after a year. What hopes have you from India?
Naela Quadri (NQ): We have the highest expectations from the people of India. Balochistan is burning, genocide is happening there. We are looking towards India to extinguish that fire. We are also talking to other countries. We have just returned from visiting seven countries in Europe. We met people there, including many European parliamentarians, and strategists and also went to the United Nations and gave our presentation there. When you get tired while doing all these things, you remember India.
People in India whose forefathers fought for freedom have joined us. When I meet them when I come to India, I get a new energy, so the love and respect that one gets here is not found anywhere in the world.
ETB: Is there any hope or not?
NQ: There is a lot of hope from the people of India. I am told that you go to India again and again, but till now the Government of India has not done anything for the Balochs. My answer is that there is one Government of India and one country India. We go to India. The day we lose this war with Pakistan, the 'Ghazwa-e-Hind' will come to India. By killing us, they occupy our natural resources, by killing you, they will get here as well.
ETB: You have been complaining that you do not get help from India for your fight. Pakistan says that India helps Balochis. How do you see this?
NQ: It is sad to see that when we are fighting our battle alone without any help, then India gets the credit for what we do. People say that India is showering dollars on you. We say that we do not need dollars. We want India to stand for us in the United Nations and on International Forums.
ETB: Efforts for the independence of Balochistan are being done on your behalf, are you seeing another Bangladesh separating from Pakistan?
NQ: Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan, we were not a part of Pakistan. Bangladesh and our case is completely different. We have a majority of Muslims here, but Hindu Balochs also live with the same respect. Balochistan was a free country and we will get our freedom back. Whether it will take 100 years or 1000 years, Baloch will take back their country, we have made the decision. We cannot remain in the slavery of anyone.