Jubilee Hills: The West Zone Task Force seized Rs 2.5 crore hawala money and took three persons into custody in Jubilee Hills on Saturday night. The three accused were identified as Botchu Ramu, a resident of Hyderabad who is working as a Manager with Bengaluru-based Boyance Infrastructure Private Limited, and Sudhir Kumar Ishwarlal Patel and Ashok Singh, both residents of Begum Bazar. They were later handed over to Jubilee Hills police.
Acting on a tip-off, the Task Force personnel intercepted a four-wheeler at Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan in Jubilee Hills and found that they were transporting Rs 2.49 crore unaccounted cash. When questioned, Patel and Ashok Singh revealed that they were directed by a hawala operator, Lalith to receive cash from Ramu.