Hyderabad (Telangana): In the ongoing police investigation, the names of many celebrities have come out behind the drug gang that has rocked Tollywood. The arrest of 'Kabali' Telugu film producer Sunkara Krishnaprasad alias KP Chaudhary has created a commotion in the film, political and business circles.
The list of those who were buying cocaine from the accused was included in the police remand report. On the 14th of this month, after KP Choudhary was arrested in the drug case, the police collected evidence. A list of people who bought cocaine was found on Google Drive. Their details including photos have been revealed.
Among them are 12 film and TV actors, models, and businessmen from Telugu states.They are Bejawada Bharat, Chinta Sai Prasanna, Chinta Rakesh Roshan, Nalla Ratan Reddy, Tagore Vij alias Tagore Prasad Moturi, Teja Chaudhary alias Raghu Teja, Vanteru Sawan Reddy, Sana Mishra, Shweta, Sushant, Nitinesh and V. Anuroop.
Evidence has come out that all of them took cocaine while celebrating at Sikki Reddy's residence in Snehithills. Two film directors, two actresses, and some political figures were also there at this event, sources said. KP Chaudhary's four cell phones have the phone numbers of hundreds of celebrities.
Transactions in lakhs of rupees have been made in his bank accounts. In May this year, KP Chaudhary went to Bengaluru with his friend Bejawada Bharat. During the weekend party there, a decision was taken on the purchase and sale of cocaine on a large scale, the police said. Later, KP Chaudhary had a phone conversation with Suresh Raju, a resident of Bhimavaram in AP. Later he spoke to Hanumakonda's Anuroop on the phone a hundred times.
Choudhary also talked to Ratan Reddy, the owner of Pushpak Cabs in Panjagutta, and film actress Ashu Reddy on the phone many times. He also talked to Dr Sudhir in Hyderabad, movie star Jyoti and D. Amar in America. Chaudhary sent Rs 85,000 to the bank account of Manish Shah, a restaurant manager in Goa.
The police are investigating to find out the actual persons behind several bank accounts that are suspected to have been used by drug peddlers under false names.