Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, two girls, who fled from the Children's Home at Neredmet in Hyderabad, unable to bear sexual assault on them were landed in Gummididala of Sangareddy district and there one of the girls was raped by an auto driver, who happened to be the friend of one of the girls.
When the Banjara Hills sschool sexual assault by the driver of the principal on an LKG student was still afresh in the memory of people the fresh incident of sexual assault on a girl in Children's Home shocked the denizens. According to police, two cases were registered against the two accused one at the Neredmet police station and the other at the Gummididala police station in the Sangareddy district.
Shocking details came to light in the Hyderabad sexual assault case as known persons have committed sexual assault on the two girls at Children's Home at Neredmet in Hyderabad. One of the two girls was raped by the accountant of the Children's Home and the sexual assault took place in February this year, according to police.
When two girls, unable to bear harassment in the shelter, ran away to Gummididala, one of them became a victim of rape there. An auto driver known to them committed the offence. As a result, two separate cases have been registered at Naredmet and Gummididala police stations. Cases were registered against both the accused under POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences), SC and ST atrocities act and sent to remand.
In the case registered at Neredmet police station, Gollepalli Muralikrishna (27), the main accused, joined the orphanage in Neredmet as an accountant after losing his private job during Covid. There he got acquainted with a girl studying intermediate. In February this year, when the shelter administrators, Victor and his wife, were away, the accountant took the girl to his home and raped her.