Hyderabad: No matter, which doctor you see in that hospital, the fee is only one rupee. Within months of its inception, GG Hospital at Ram Nagar became hugely popular as 'One Rupee Hospital'. The service motto of a doctor for the poor has laid the foundation for this hospital in the heart of Hyderabad. "Our idea is to provide medical treatment to the poor at the lowest affordable rate," says GG Hospital Chairman Gangadhar Gupta.
These days, medical costs have risen beyond the affordability of the common public. If you go to the hospital with a common cold or fever, the doctor's fee will start from Rs 400. In addition to that, the costs of pills, injections and syrups will be more burdensome. In such situations, the poor often have to run into debts to go to a private hospital. But GG Hospital is charging a token amount of only one rupee towards consultation. Patients from different parts of Hyderabad city are flocking to this hospital. Now everybody is calling it not by its original name but 'One Rupee Hospital'.
Seasonal diseases strike every year - dengue in the rainy season, malaria in the summer and cold in winter. Patients have to pay huge amounts towards consultation fees, medicines and other expenses like blood tests, scanning and X-rays. In addition to that, they have to spend more on prescription drugs. But without charging any consultation fee, treatment is being provided at Gangaiah Gari Hospital (GG) in Ram Nagar, in the heart of Hyderabad, for just one rupee. They are charging very low rates for diagnostic tests.
Also Read:WATCH | Doctor of 'One Rupee Clinic' fame launches 'Medicine for Rs 1'