Hyderabad (Telangana): In a gruesome incident, a woman was attacked at Gurramguda teachers colony in Rangareddy district. Vimala, a married woman from Teachers' Colony, was attacked by a man with an axe on Monday evening. The accused was identified by the police as Rahul Goud of Abdullapur Met.
Rahul had previously had relations with the victim's family. Accused Rahul and the victim's husband are friends. The friendship between Rahul and Vimala grew as Rahul used to frequent her house. Vimala's husband Ravikumar noticed their friendship and he kept Rahul at a distance from his wife.
Vimala has been living peacefully with her husband ever since. But the harassment from Rahul increased. Vimala told her husband about the incident and lodged a complaint with the police on December 27th last year. Police filed a case and arrested Rahul.