Hyderabad : As part of the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, an eco-friendly Ganesh idol is made using 17,000 coconuts, becoming a source of attraction, for people in Hyderabad. Speaking to ANI, Kumar, an Organiser said in Hyderabad city, the Ganesh pandal is exquisitely decked with various themes. An artist from Kerala travelled all the way to Hyderabad to adorn a Ganesh pandal made of coconuts.
"Ganesha which is built of coconut is really attacking the people of Hyderabad. I suggest everyone refrain from buying PoP idols. To have a safe environment around us, it is important for all of us to follow purchasing eco-friendly idols," Kumar said.
"Different emotions are associated with the coconut among people. Coconuts are used on several occasions. In light of that, we made the Lord Ganesha idol with coconuts. We made this Ganesha using 17,000 coconuts and it took 8 days to complete this," he said.
Also Read--A Ganesh Pandal built in the form of an Aadhar card in Jamshedpur