Hyderabad: Members of a drug gang attacked the officers of the Excise Department, who went to arrest them in Hyderabad on Wednesday, police said. Hyderabad Excise Superintendent CH Vijay while addressing a presser at Abkari Bhavan on Thursday said the incident took place on Wednesday night in Rayadurgam, Hyderabad.
Vijay said the Excise Department had specific inputs about drug trafficking into Hyderabad from Mumbai. Following the inputs, District Task Force and Jubilee Hills officials conducted inspections at Jubilee Hills Road No. 36 metro station on Wednesday at 9.30 pm. At the metro station, one Gulhasan Khan of Santa Cruz, Mumbai looked suspicious.
On searching, five grams of Methyl Edioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA) was found in his possession, Vijay said. On interrogation of Khan, he said that he had come to Hyderabad in a car with two of his accomplices to sell the drugs. On a tip-off, officials went to Sampurna Supermarket in Gachibowli looking for his two accomplices.
Also read:High on drugs, miscreants create ruckus in Hyderabad
On noticing the Excise department officials, the two accused in the car tried to run away. They hit the divider, but didn't stop while the officers overtook their car with a vehicle and stopped it across the road. The accused rammed the officers' vehicles and sped away, leaving one person with minor injuries. The officers, who were alerted in moments, chased the accused and arrested them.
From their possession, 40 grams of MDMA was recovered, said Vijay. They have been identified as Salim Ahmed Rehman Ansari of Bandra, Mumbai, and MD Rizwan of Santa Cruz. The two accused were formally arrested and a case was registered under relevant sections of law. In another incident, three people were caught with hash oil brought from the Andhra-Odisha Border (AOB).
When searches were conducted in Borabanda, locals Tenugulu Krishna and Kadem Akshay were caught with 10 grams of hash oil. Based on the information given by them, 25 grams of hash oil was seized from Chekuri Manikumar during a raid led by Hyderabad Excise Task Force Inspector
K Karuna and others.