Chevella (Telangana):In a shocking incident, a couple died by suicide after hanging their three-month-old infant in Chevella mandal of Rangareddy district on Tuesday. According to the police and locals, Ashok (30) of Devarapalli village got married to Ankita (20) of Aluru village one-and-a-half-year ago. The couple was blessed with a baby three months ago.
Ankita came to Devarapalli village on Thursday with her infant to attend Ashok's sister's engagement. Meanwhile, Ashok took vegetables to the market in an auto, along with his younger brother Raghavendra on Monday night, and returned home at 4 am. Upon their arrival, they ate the biryani that was brought. Later, Raghavendra left from there. Soon after Raghavendra left, Ashok switched on the TV and increased the volume, and hanged the baby. After that, the husband and wife also died by suicide by hanging.